Sunday, 21 August 2011

Possibly the best milk commercial ever!

Well at least in Norway. The new series of milk commercials from "Tine" milk, which almost has (or do have) a monopoly on the dairy products in Norway, features Mr. Melk (in english Mr. Milk). I just thought I'd post the video here on the blog, so you can judge your self, is it the best milk commercial ever (in Norway at least).
BTW Hallo alle schammen!
Do not worry in english he means "Hello everybody" in norwegian it is "Hallo alle sammen", it's just that with the foreign accent that's the way he speaks.

Friday, 19 August 2011

RECIPE: Very Norwegian Waffles

Hello guys! This is the firs recipe on here. So hurry and make the waffles to celebrate with me. The first recipe is on how to make norwegian waffles. Because in Norway we love waffles, and we get our recipes from our old grannys (or "bestemodre" in norwegian). We just love love em' waffles, we make them with care and love, serve them with some very norwegian toppings, one of them called Romme (basically sour cream, note that "Romme" is not the norwegian word for sour cream, that is "surkrem"). Most importantly serve tham too someone you love, with love (& coffee). This recipe is my father's recipe, it is brilliant and delicious!

First you are going to need som ingredients (in norwegian: ingredienser)
Ingredients & equipment:
2x mixing bowls
1x whisk
2x eggs
1 1/2 l of Milk (Whole)
Flour (about 5 dl)
3 tea spoons sugar
Butter (unsalted) & one salted
2 tea spoons baking powder
1 table spoon vanilla powder
desired amount of: Cinnamon, Cardamom
1 pinch of salt
A dl measurement cup
ALSO: (Norwegian) Strawberry Jam,
Brown Cheese & Sour Cream

Steps (Trinn):
1. Measure up the milk. Crack the eggs in one bowl and add the sugar, then whisk it quickly together.
2. Then add the milk and continue whisking.
3. In another bowl add flour, baking powder, vanilla powder, salt, cardamom & cinnamon, then blend it.
4. Pour flour mixture into egg mixture whilst stirring.
5. Regulate with more flour until a very thick consistency is reached, you will understand later why.
6. Melt 4 table spoons of butter on medium heat, then pour into batter whilst stirring. The consistency should still be thick, but like a medium of how thick it was and that pan-cake water like consistency.
7. Let the batter rest in peace, cause he's tired, for about 15 minutes.

8. When the time is up pre-heat your waffle iron to a medium heat, then follow the regular steps, or watch the video above.
SERVE with a cup of coffee, strawberry jam (preferably from norwegian berries), Romme (sour cream) and brown cheese.
Then ENJOY! :D

Feel free to ask questions or make a request in the comment field below.